Anyways, this isn't what I was going to blog about. I was actually going to post our "general conference pictures". First weekend of April was general conference where we hear from the prophet and apostles and other leaders in the church. It was amazing! I always go into conference with questions that I'd like to have answered and without fail, the speakers talked on those exact subjects that I had questions about! What a tender mercy from the Lord! I love general conference and the spirit that it invites in our home and how it always inspires me to be a better person.
Okay, back to my original subject. Our new tradition is to take family pictures Sunday afternoon following general conference. Kinda a fun way to document how we are changing every six months. Nothing fancy. Nothing formal. But us nonetheless.
If you haven't seen general conference go check out the link below which highlights some of the talks from general conference!!! LOVE IT! Listen with your heart as you listen to snippets of the messages...and then maybe go watch all of it...Promise, you'll like it :)
Link to General Conference Highlights
I am so sorry about the miscarriage. you guys are a beautiful family. What a great idea to document how your family changes every six months!