Every April there's a big family party for my grandfather's birthday. Me, Sheena and Lynnae all flew in to surprise my grandfather. It was kinda a surprise. haha (The beans were spilled accidentally about Lynnae's arrival & word spread to everyone but my grandfather about me & Sheena). It was SOO fun!
I love my grandfather & our family! That plane ticket out there was the best money I've spent in a long time!
All of the granddaughters that could make it got a pedicure.
Watching home movies that my aunt Malinda compiled.
Koy & Felicity
Most of the girl granddaughters
Mom & aunt Malinda made our traditional family dish of enchiladas!
Me & grandfather (fun fact- I'm the oldest grandchild of 36 (if I'm counting right)).
Oh mexican food from Arizona how I miss you!
All of us girls got pedicures and got two letters spelling out "Clarence Alfred Freestone family b-day 88"
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