Portland, OR, part 2

This was one of the favorite cousin activities- sword fighting!or-14

We went to the Oregon trail museum. I had never realized that the Oregon trail began in Missouri. I guess we're connected in more ways than just being family-  we live near the beginning of the trail and they were at the end. or-15 Picking blackberries in their backyard. or-16 A fun afternoon at the river (I don't know the name of the river.  Whoops!).  or-17 or-18 or-19 I'm pretty sure waterslides weren't meant to be played with this way. (And I'm pretty sure Chaz was the instigator of this. Eek...sorry Ashley!) or-20 So much for a group picture with everyone cooperating. or-21 or-22 We had so much fun with cousins! When asked what was the funnest thing they did all summer, this trip would be it!

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