NYC, part 1

After Christmas, my in-laws watched our kids while we got away for a quick couple trip. We went to NYC for 6 days. We had a blast and it was so good to be Chad and Michelle instead of mom and dad for a few days.

 A few shots in Times Square. nycss-1 nycss-2 nycss-3 We got to go to the NYC temple that night with my sister & brother in law and his family. It was cool because there were service missionaries working there who were from Arizona. I was surprised to find out that they had lived in Eagar, Az (my hometown) at one point and his brother still lived there- Craig Coombs. We have known the Coombs since I was little and lived in Mesa & we moved to Eagar about the same time that they did. It was just one little way that I felt like Heavenly Father was telling me he was aware of me, even in this big, busy city. nycss-4 nycss-5 nycss-6
Tried lots of fun and interesting foods. nycss-a nycss-8 nycss-7 nycss-9 Saw the sights... nycss-10 nycss-11 nycss-12 nycss-13 Our room had a cool city view- nycss-14 nycss-15 nycss-16 nycss-17

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