Chaz is born!

I was scheduled to be induced on Monday, October 13. The night before the induction Chad said, 'tomorrow is Columbus day'. At first I didn't make the connection & wondered why he would be mentioning this.  I remembered the next morning. Our family has this holiday theme thing going on.  Let me explain.

Chad asked my dad's permission to marry me on Christmas day.
We got engaged on New Year's Day.
We were married on Valentine's day.
We had Liam on Ground Hog's day.
Max's birthday falls on Easter.
And now this baby…another holiday continuation!

This is how Chaz's birth story played out.

5:30 am- I reported to the hospital & begin to get hooked up to an IV. I'm dilated to a 4 & about 50% effaced (not a ton of progress from my appointment the previous Monday- (dilated to a 3 & 50% effaced)).
Pitocin is started.
Contractions begin coming about every 2 min & are getting more painful.
7:45ish- I get an epidural.
8:34 am- Dr. Meents breaks my water. (I'm still dilated to a 4).
9:06 am- Dilated to a 7. Still feeling contractions on the left side. They call the anesthesiologist & he gives me another bolus of pain meds & has me lay on my left side.
9:20ish- The epidural seems to be working great now!
9:26 am- I'm a 10! The doctor is called & we're allowing the baby to labor down further into the birth canal.
9:30ish- I feel lots of pressure in my bum & tell Chad to go tell Rindi our nurse.  Chad thinks it's no big deal, but Rindi agrees that that's something she needs to hear & she begins to prepare the room. The doctor arrives a few minutes later.
9:38 am- Chaz is born!  9 pounds, 22 1/4 inches.

Both boys were so excited to see the new baby!  Max came bounding in the room and announced "Baby in my tummy!".  (I'd been trying to prep Max, but I was actually surprised that he made the connection that this was what had been hiding out in my stomach.  Now we just have to work on his use of pronouns such as "my").   Liam would not let the baby out of his sight and kept asking for turns to hold the Chaz.

Max transitioned to just mostly wanting to play.

…and Liam had to hold Chaz some more.

I have the best nurse in the world- Rindi!  She was in the deliverary with Max and I just had to have her again... so much so that I even mentioned it in a few prayers ;)


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